Leveraging strategic human resource management to enhance English and mathematics education outcomes: Students’ perspective

Enawar Enawar, Desri Arwen, Nur Choiro Siregar, Euis Yanah Mulyanah, Ishak Ishak, Aris Gumilar

Article ID: 10191
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


Improving educational outcomes in subjects such as English and mathematics remains a significant challenge for educators and policymakers. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), which aligns human resource practices with organizational goals, has proven effective in business sectors but is less explored in educational contexts, especially from students’ perspectives. Existing studies often focus on teacher development, overlooking direct impacts on student performance. This research addresses the gap by examining how SHRM influences students’ performance in English and mathematics, incorporating student feedback to assess SHRM’s effectiveness. In the quantitative study, 200 students were analyzed to explore the relationship between SHRM practices and academic outcomes. The findings indicate that SHRM significantly affects student performance, with high predictive relevance and explanatory power in both subjects. The results suggest that strategic HR practices, such as professional development, performance management, and resource allocation, are critical to academic success. These insights provide valuable implications for educators and policymakers, highlighting the importance of integrating strategic HR management into educational frameworks to enhance curriculum design and resource distribution. The study demonstrates the broad applicability of SHRM across different academic disciplines, suggesting a need for comprehensive HR strategies that focus on both teacher and student performance. Future research should explore how SHRM influences educational outcomes and identify contextual factors that moderate its impact, enhancing effective HR practices in diverse academic settings.


strategic human resource management; education outcomes; student perspective; teacher development; English and mathematics performance

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