Understanding how healthcare innovation is shaped by 5G technology: A comprehensive systematic review

Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, Kenner Echevarria-Otazo, Danna Medina-Montes, Saúl Arauco Esquivel, Dulio Oseda Gago, Ivar Farfán Muñoz

Article ID: 10171
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


5G technology is transforming healthcare by enhancing precision, efficiency, and connectivity in diagnostics, treatments, and remote monitoring. Its integration with AI and IoT is set to revolutionize healthcare standards. This study aims to establish the state of the art in research on 5G technology and its impact on healthcare innovation. A systematic review of 79 papers from digital libraries such as IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Springer, ScienceDirect, and ResearchGate was conducted, covering publications from 2018 to 2024. Among the reviewed papers, China and India emerge as leaders in 5G health-related publications. Scopus, Springer Link, and IEEE Xplore house the majority of first-quartile (Q1) papers, whereas Science Direct and other sources show a higher proportion in the second quartile (Q2) and lower rankings. The predominance of Q1 papers in Scopus, Springer Link, and IEEE Xplore underscores these platforms’ influence and recognition, reflecting significant advancements in both practice and theory, and highlighting the expanding application of 5G technology in healthcare.


5G technology; healthcare; telemedicine; 5G; digital health; systematic review

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10171


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