Corporate green washing behaviour and consumers’ green purchase intention: An empirical study of food and beverage companies in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
Problem statement: An environmentally conscious consumer’s perspective can shift as they look for things that are gentler on the planet. Conversely, businesses engage in greenwashing when they try to cover up their lacklustre environmental initiatives. The current research was used the theory of rational choice behaviour to examine a model that connects corporate green washing and consumers’ green purchase intentions via the mediating roles of perceived risk, green trust and green confusion about food and beverage brands in Saudi Arabia. Research motivation: Sustainable business practices have been developed and adopted by corporations in response to the growing interest in environmentally friendly lifestyles and green products. However, green washing has become increasingly common as a means for businesses to give off the impression that they care about the environment when they really don’t. Research methodology: The online survey was used to obtain data directly from consumers about their views on green washing by corporations. Primary data was analysed using appropriate statistical tools and techniques in SPSS, AMOS and SmartPLS software, such as Correlation, Regression, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), etc. Results: In terms of perceived greenness and confusion, the results showed that green wash mediates the relationship between green purchasing intention and greenness. There is a two-way correlation between consumers’ intentions to buy environmentally friendly products and their levels of green perception, and green confusion. The findings of this study were broadening our understanding of the consequences of green washing. Conclusions: All things considered, the study was encouraging more research on the subject and be a useful tool for academics, corporate managers, and students interested in environmental sustainability, product innovation, and green branding. According to the results, businesses can improve their green purchasing intentions by cutting down on green washing and focusing instead on building a positive reputation for their brand and encouraging customer loyalty. Corporate performance and social environment sustainability can both benefit greatly from this paper’s expansion of knowledge regarding the processes of individual customer psychological effects after perceptions of corporate greenwashing behaviour.
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