Chatbots for customer service in financial entities—A comprehensive systematic review

Roberto Eustaquio-Jiménez, Mercedes Durand-Azurza, Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, María León Morales, Nancy Pajares Ruiz, Reyna López de Montoya, N. Mercedes Ortiz Céliz

Article ID: 10122
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


The integration of chatbots in the financial sector has significantly improved customer service processes, providing efficient solutions for query management and problem resolution. These automated systems have proven to be valuable tools in enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in financial institutions. This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review on the impact of chatbots in customer service within the financial sector. A review of 61 relevant publications from 2018 to 2024 was conducted. Articles were selected from databases such as Scopus, IEEE Xplore, ARDI, Web of Science, and ProQuest. The findings highlight that efficiency and customer satisfaction are central to the perception of service quality, aligning with the automation of the user experience. The bibliometric analysis reveals a predominance of publications from countries such as India, Germany, and Australia, underscoring the academic and practical relevance of the topic. Additionally, essential thematic terms such as “artificial intelligence” and “advanced automation” were identified, reflecting technological evolution in this field. This study provides significant insights for future theoretical, practical, and managerial developments, offering a framework to optimize chatbot implementation in highly regulated environments.


chatbots; intelligent assistant; customer service; client support; financial entities; fintech; systematic and bibliometric review

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Copyright (c) 2024 Roberto Eustaquio-Jiménez, Mercedes Durand-Azurza, Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, María León Morales, Nancy Pajares Ruiz,Reyna López de Montoya, N. Mercedes Ortiz Céliz

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