Research progress of low dielectric benzoxazine resin

Xiongtao Zheng, Yafei Yang, Qingyu Chen

Article ID: 111
Vol 1, Issue 0, 2017

VIEWS - 155 (Abstract) 138 (PDF)


In this paper, the recent progress of bio-diesel from microalgae in recent years was reviewed. The research history of microbes from microalgae and the breeding and culture of microalgae were studied. Methods and techniques, and compare the microalgae with biofuel prepared from other energy crops. It is pointed out that microalgae is a kind of renewable energy with broad application prospect, and the future of microalgae production Direction of development.


microalgae; biodiesel; photobioreactor; engineering; microalgae; biorefinery

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Copyright (c) 2017 Xiongtao Zheng, Yafei Yang, Qingyu Chen

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