Effects of different packaging materials coated with aloe vera extract on the microbial quality of African breadfruit flour (treculia africana) during storage

Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Kayode Arowora, John Ojediran, Stephen Owa, Bukola Ogundele, Tunde Joseph Ogunkunle

Article ID: 864
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2019


Antimicrobials in food packaging are used to enhance quality and safety by reducing surface contamination of processed food. This study investigated the effects of Aloe vera-coated packaging materials on the microbial quality characteristics of breadfruit flour. Breadfruit flour was packaged in Jute bag (JB), Cali-co bag (CB), low-density Polyethylenein Brown paper (LDPEBP) and they were compared with control. Samples were analyzed for changes in microbiological(total colony count and total fungal count) and moisture content, stored at an ambient temperature of 25 ± 2 ℃ duringstorage at intervals of 12 weeks. Packaging significantly (p < 0.05) affected the moisture content and microbiologicalof breadfruit flour during storage. The moisture content, total colony count, and total fungi count significantly (p < 0.05)increased as the storage time increased. The sample packaged in Brown paper (BP) were more acceptable than those inother packaging materials.


Breadfruit Flour; Packaging Materials; Storage Period; Aloe Vera Extract; Food Safety; Microbial Load

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/th.v2i1.864


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