Role of rhizospheric microbial enzymes in plant growth promotion, antagonism, and sustainable agriculture: A review

Bhavini Galani, Jagruti Chauhan, Sangeeta Gohel

Article ID: 4902
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) offer eco-friendly alternatives to chemical fertilizers, promoting sustainable agriculture by enhancing soil fertility, reducing pathogens, and aiding in stress resistance. In agriculture, they play a crucial role in plant growth promotion through the production of agroactive compounds and extracellular enzymes to promote plant health and protection against phytopathogens. In the rhizosphere, diverse microbial interactions, including those with bacteria and fungi, influence plant health by production of antimicrobial compounds. The antagonism displayed by rhizobacteria plays a crucial role in shaping microbial communities and has potential applications in developing a natural and environmentally friendly approach to pest control. The rhizospheric microbes showcase their ecological importance and potential for biotechnological applications in the context of plant-microbe interactions. The extracellular enzymes produced by rhizospheric microbes like amylases, chitinases, glucanases, cellulases, proteases, and ACC deaminase contribute to plant processes and stress response emphasizing their importance in sustainable agriculture. Moreover, this review highlights the new paradigm including artificial intelligence (AI) in sustainable horticulture and agriculture as a harmonious interaction between ecological networks for promoting soil health and microbial diversity that leads to a more robust and self-regulating agricultural system for protecting the environment in the future. Overall, this review emphasizes microbial interactions and the role of rhizospheric microbial extracellular enzymes which is crucial for developing eco-friendly approaches to enhance crop production and soil health.


rhizospheric microbes; plant growth promotion; extracellular enzymes; phytopathogens; sustainable agriculture

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