Effect of different organic nutrient solutions and day of harvest on growth, biomass yield and chemical composition of hydroponically grown sorghum

Samson Adeoye, Victoria Ojo, Olumuyiwa Ogunbote, Temidayo Adeyemi, Amisu Ahmed, Oluwaseun Idowu, Adebayo Adetona, Motunrayo Okunlola

Article ID: 4063
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of different organic nutrient solutions and day of harvest on growth parameters, biomass and chemical composition of hydroponically grown sorghum red fodder. The experiment was a 3 × 2 factorial design comprising of 3 nutrient solutions (cattle, poultry and rabbit) and 2 harvesting regimes (8th and 10th day). Cattle, poultry and rabbit dungs were collected fresh and processed into nutrient solutions. Sorghum red seeds were treated, planted on trays, and irrigated twice per day with organic nutrient solution according to the treatments. Growth parameters which were investigated included fodder mat thickness, seedling height, leaf length and width, number of leaves, fresh and dry matter yield; and proximate composition. The results showed that sorghum red fodder irrigated with cattle manure nutrient solution (NS) harvested at 10 days was higher in all, except one (fodder mat thickness) of the growth parameters considered. The crude protein (CP) was highest and similar (P > 0.05) for Poultry NS harvested at 8 and 10 days, and Cattle NS at 10 days (13.13%, 12.67%, and 12.69% respectively). The ash content also favored Cattle NS at 10 days. Cattle NS at 10 days harvest was significantly (P < 0.05) the highest (7.00%), but comparable (P > 0.05) with Rabbit NS at 10 days for NDF. Fresh and DM yields were highest for Cattle harvested at 10 and 8 days respectively. The study recommends Cattle NS as hydroponic organic NS for sorghum red as it enhances fresh and dry matter yields, and nutritive values.


hydroponic fodder; organic nutrient solution; cattle; poultry; rabbit

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/th.v7i2.4063


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