Residue dissipation kinetics, safety evaluation and decontamination of Deltamethrin in tomato and the soil
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024
Tomato powdery mildew, fruit rot, and twig blight are all managed with Deltamethrin. Its residues could still be present in the crops, posing a health risk. The pesticide residue analysis, dissipation rate, and safety assessments were thus examined in green tomatoes. The analytical method for residue analysis was validated according to international standards. Tomato fruits and soil were used to study the dissipation of Deltamethrin 100 EC (11% w/w) at 12.5 g a.i ha−1 for the recommended dose (RD) and 25.0 g a.i ha−1 for the double of the recommended dose (DD). Ethyl acetate was used to extract residues from tomato fruit, and PSA and magnesium sulphate were used for cleanup.The fruits had recoveries ranging from 83% to 93% and the soil sample from 81.67% to 89.6%, with the limit of detection (LOQ) estimated at 0.01 mg kg−1. The matrix effect (ME) was calculated to be less than 20% for the tomato fruits and the soil.Half-lives for RD and DD were 1.95 and 1.84 days, respectively. All sampling days for both doses had dietary exposures of residues below the maximum permissible intake (MPI) of 0.16 mg person−1 day−1. The most effective method of decontaminating tomato residue containing Deltamethrin is blanching.
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