Evaluation of postharvest loss of oranges (Citrus sinensis) in the central jungle of Peru
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021
There are several factors that generate postharvest losses of Citrus sinensis, but none have been focused on the central jungle of the Junín region of Peru. The objective of this research was to evaluate postharvest losses of Citrus sinensis in the province of Satipo, Junín region of Peru, considering the stages of the production chain. The methodology was applied to descriptive and cross-sectional design. A sample of 10 orange trees, 3 transport intermediaries and 5 traders selected for compliance with minimum volume and quality requirements were used. The °Brix, pH and acidity characteristics of the fruit were determined. Subsequently, absolute and percentage losses were quantified through direct observation, surveys and interviews. The main postharvest losses of Citrus sinensis were 1.50% in harvesting and detaching, 1.75% in transport to the collection center, 2.23% in storage and transport by intermediaries, and 2.90% in storage and sale by retailers. The overall loss was 8.12% throughout the production chain and US$5.75 per MT of C. sinensis harvested. The main damages found were mechanical and biological, caused by poor harvesting and packaging techniques, precarious storage and careless transport of the merchandise.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/th.v4i1.1808
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