Waste management using vermicompost derived liquids in sustainable horticulture

Siamak Shirani Bidabadi

Article ID: 175
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


The technology of vermicomposting containing their leachates, teas and other extracts such as vermiwash as a result of earthworm action is widely applied for safe management of agricultural, industrial, domestic and hospital wastes. Remediation of polluted soils, improving crop productivity and inducing the resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses are other advantages of vermicompost derived liquids when used in agriculture. Contrary to the fact that chemical fertilizers are still widely used in agriculture, societies gradually become aware of the negative effects of these fertilizers on their health. Therefore, vermicompost derived liquids contain high amount of valuable plant nutrients which has the potential to be used as liquid fertilizer. This paper reviews the potential of vermicompost derived liquids as as an efficient combination of nutrient source of vermicompost derived liquids contributing to plant growth and acting as a deterrent to biotic and abiotic stresses.


Bio-fertilizer; crop production; Organic waste management; Sustainable agriculture; vermicompost derived liquids.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/th.v1i3.175


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