Utilizing method of plant growth regulators induction in processing of polyploidization—A perspective crop development
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023
Nowadays, it seems like human beings are worried about how the world will meet its food security demand urgently when they have faced on rapidly increasing population and combat climate change. Scientists and researchers are indispensably investigating to enhance food sources such developing novel cops with high yield and good quality and even coping with the adverse environment in terms of biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, there is one valuable method it is believed that should be developed further. In fact, it is believed that human beings should continue using it as soon as possible because it can provide the world with a source of food. Polyploidization introduced by plant growth regulator induction is a good method because it is safety and easy to develop new crops with potential agronomic traits, these polyploidy plants are rare aneuploid and it contains intriguing characteristics of polyploidy plants in adapting to ecological variability. This review sheds light on 1) summarizing molecular mechanism of plant growth regulator induction for plant ploidy manipulation; 2) achieving of polyploidization through plant growth regulator induction; 3) enumerating the perspectives of polyploidization in crop development to cope with climate change. Although the role of phytohormones is underestimated, the effectiveness on physiological level of plants to make polyploidy plants is worth considering and the effects and bio-safety of that on human are also concerned.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tge.v6i1.2596
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