Modelling individual tree maximum basal area growth rates of five tall eucalypt species growing in even-aged forests

P. W. West

Article ID: 2738
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023


Inventory plot data were available providing over 87,000 individual tree basal area growth rates from even-aged native forests of three ash eucalypts (Eucalyptus regnans, E. obliqua, and E. delegatensis), from temperate regions, and two other species from more sub-tropical climes (E. grandis and E. pilularis). Models were developed relating maximum observed growth rates for these species in relation to tree size when, presumably, trees were under ideal environmental conditions and without competition from neighbours for site growth resources. These maximum growth rates increased with increasing tree size to a maximum of their own and then declined as tree size (hence age) increased further. The tree sizes, at which these maximum growth rates reached their maxima, were much greater for the ash eucalypts than for the other two species. It is hypothesised that the ash eucalypts may have evolved physiological characteristics that make them more efficient in compensating for the well-known physiological constraints imposed on growth rates as trees grow to great heights and ages.


growth model; maximum growth; basal area; tree height; growth efficiency

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