Forest cover and watering of the Pripyat River basin
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023
The paper deals with the issues of the influence of forest cover on the average annual runoff of rivers in the Pripyat River basin. In the study area, under the influence of solar radiation, the temperature of the air and the soil surface increases, evaporation from the water surface also increases, and the moisture content of the upper layers of the soil decreases. In general, with an increase in forest cover, the annual layer of the runoff of the studied rivers increases, as well as with an increase in the amount of precipitation (in contrast to the runoff of short-term floods). However, with a forest cover of more than 20%–30% and a relatively small amount of precipitation, the runoff decreases, which is associated with the retention of part of the precipitation by the forest cover. With a large amount of precipitation and low forest cover, the runoff also decreases, which is probably due to the loss of precipitation water for evaporation, etc. The conducted studies show that, just as the forest affects water resources, the flow of moisture to watersheds also affects the state of forest systems. Moreover, this interaction is expressed by evaporation from forests. Under influence of change of a climate growth of evaporation is observed.
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