Characterization of a forest in the center west of the province of Chaco, Argentina
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2021
This work was carried out with the purpose of generating ecological and silvicultural information oriented to sustainable management. The horizontal structure was evaluated using the importance value index of Curtis and Macintosh, the vertical structure using Finol’s methodology. Through the sociological position index, the percentage natural regeneration and the extended importance value index were estimated in order to infer the permanence of the forest ecosystem. The floristic composition was represented by species of the families Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Fabaceae, Santalaceae, Rhamnaceae, Sapotaceae, Simarubaceae, Ulmaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Capparidaceae, Borraginaceae and Achatocarpaceae. In the horizontal structure, the species with the highest rank was Acacia praecox, followed in order of importance by Schinopsis balansae, Aspidosperma quebracho blanco and Prosopis kuntzei. According to sociological position, Acacia praecox was the most representative species, followed by Patagonula americana, Schinus longifolius, Proposis kuntzei and Aspidosperma quebracho blanco. The species with the best regeneration values were Achatocarpus nigricans and Acacia praecox in the shrub layer and Patagonula americana in the tree layer. The extended importance index consolidated the category of Acacia praecox in the community and gave a better category to Schinopsis balansae, Aspidosperma quebracho blanco, Prosopis kuntzei and Patagonula americana.
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