Analysis of the composition, structure and diversity of tree species in a temperate forest in northwestern Mexico
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021
The structure and diversity of tree species in a temperate forest in northwestern Mexico was characterized. Nine sampling sites of 50 × 50 m (2,500 m2) were established, and a census of all tree species was carried out. Each individual was measured for total height and diameter at breast height. The importance value index (IVI) was obtained, calculated from the variable abundance, dominance and frequency. The diversity and richness indices were also calculated. A total of 12 species, four genera and four families were recorded. The forest has a density of 575.11 individuals and a basal area of 23.54/m2. The species of Pinus cooperi had the highest IVI (79.05%), and the Shannon index of 1.74.
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