Farmers’ perceptions of the degradation of natural resources in lowlands in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: The case of the Nakanbé-Dem sub-watershed in Burkina Faso
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022
The Burkinabe Sahel is characterized by a strong degradation of natural resources. This regression is attributable to natural and anthropogenic factors. The present study concerns the lowlands of the Nakanbé-Dem sub-watershed located in the southern limit of the Sahel. In this area dominated by rain-fed agriculture and extensive livestock farming, wetlands are of paramount importance. In the face of their continued degradation, community participation is necessary for the sustainable management of the lowlands. This study analyzes endogenous indicators of inland valley degradation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. Semi-structured survey data were collected from 325 farmers in six lowlands. Descriptive statistics and correspondence factor analysis (CFA) was applied. The results show that farmers clearly perceive the degradation of the islands. Farmers use meteorological, floristic, and physical elements to characterize the state of degradation of the islands. The disappearance of several species and the appearance of ubiquitous species allow them to assess the degradation of inland valley lands. These endogenous indicators vary according to gender and education level. The study highlighted the importance of endogenous knowledge in the analysis of inland valley degradation. It suggests the need to take it into account in the implementation of restoration techniques for degraded inland valleys.
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