Natural resource management in American national parks: Principles, problems and enlightenment

Kan Zhou, Li Wang, Xiang Li, Duo Zhang, Tianke Liu, Jin Lin, Peng Liu

Article ID: 1578
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022


The natural resources of national parks in the United States are mainly divided into eight categories: biological resources, fire resources, water resources, air resources, geological resources, soundscape, lighting, chemicals and odors. The management procedures set by the National Park Administration include the formulation of natural resource management planning, the preservation and publication of natural resource information, the assessment of the impact of natural resources, the establishment of the extensive cooperative relations, the promotion of the restoration of natural ecosystems and the establishment of natural resources damage compensation system etc. Different management principles and methods are adopted for different types of natural resources. The “application–review–evaluation–permission” procedure for the development and utilization of natural resources is established and strictly implemented. However, there are also some problems, such as insufficient coverage of natural resources, dislocation of unified management and decentralized management, and serious shortage of financial investment. China’s national parks should clearly define the types of natural resources, gradually expand the pilot scope of natural resource asset management system, establish and improve the natural resource management system, highlight the integrity of ecosystem, adhere to management according to law, and strengthen the control of land and space use.


National Park; Natural Resources; Ecosystem Integrity; Resource Use Impact Assessment; Biological resources; Damages

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