Exploration of the construction of a municipal natural resources survey and monitoring system—Take Xuzhou City as an example

Liang Chu, Shiling Dong, Lili Fu, Lei Xu

Article ID: 1576
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022


Natural resources survey is an important premise and basic work for the realization of unified management of natural resources. Through the study of the classification system, survey scheme and database organization of natural resources, this paper constructs a natural resources survey and monitoring system based on the third national land survey and various special survey data, proposes a new database organization and update method, and conducts experiments to verify that in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, forming prefectural and municipal survey results. It aims to provide reference for the natural resources survey work of prefecture-level cities nationwide and build a replicable and generalizable survey system.


Natural Resources; Investigation and Monitoring; Data Updates

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/nrcr.v5i2.1576


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