Template Assisted Nano-structured Nickel for Efficient Methanol Oxidation

S. Mohanapriya Subramanian, V Raj

Article ID: 356
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


Nanoporous Nickel has been prepared by electrodeposition using non-ionic surfactant based liquid crystalline template under optimized processing conditions. Physico-chemical properties of Nanoporous nickel is systematically characterized through XRD, SEM and AFM analyses. Comparison of electrocatalytic activity of Nanoporous nickel with smooth nickel was interrogated using cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses. Distinctly enhanced electrocatalytic activity with improved surface poisoning resistance related to Nanoporous nickel electrode towards methanol oxidation stems from unique Nanoporous morphology. This Nanoporous morphology with high surface to volume ratio is highly beneficial to promote active catalytic centers to offer readily accessible Pt catalytic sites for MOR, through facilitating mass and electron transports.


Template Deposition; Electrocatalysis; Methanol Oxidation; Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

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