Classification, preparation process and its equipment and applications of piezoelectric ceramic

Quanlu Zhao, Juntao Zhao, Xiangfeng Tan

Article ID: 229
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


The so-called piezoelectric ceramics are piezoelectric polycrystals, a functional ceramic material capable of converting mechanical energy and electric energy from each other. It belongs to inorganic nonmetallic materials. So far, the most widely used piezoelectric ceramic materials have both good piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity through the substitution and doping in a wide range to adjust its properties to meet the different needs of zirconium titanium lead (PZT) and its composite materials. Piezoelectric materials are also one of the many piezoelectric materials, accounting for about 1/3 of the entire functional ceramic materials. It is mainly used for transducers, sensors, resonators and drives.

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