Vol 1, No 1

Table of Contents

Open Access
Article ID: 301
by Xiongtao Zheng, Yafei Yang, Qingyu Chen
2018 , 1(1);    220 Views
Abstract In this paper, the recent progress of bio-diesel from microalgae in recent years was reviewed. The research history of microbes from microalgae and the breeding and culture of microalgae were studied. Methods and techniques, and compare the microalgae with biofuel prepared from other energy crops. It is pointed out that microalgae is a kind of renewable energy with broad application prospect, and the future of microalgae production Direction of development.
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Open Access
Article ID: 315
by Jialin Zhu, Zhenyu Jiang, Shuangling Li
2018 , 1(1);    272 Views
Abstract Plant polysaccharides are compounds that are composed of α-or β-glycosidic bonds by many of the same or different monosaccharides. They are commonly found in natural plants and have molecular weights of tens of thousands or even millions, which constitute life activities. One of the four basic substances, closely related to maintaining the function of life. In recent years, a large number of studies have shown that polysaccharides in addition to immune regulation, anti-tumor biological effects, there are anti-aging, hypoglycemic, anticoagulant and other effects, and its side effects on the body is small, therefore, polysaccharide research has become a medicine Sector of the hot areas. This study aims to study the orthogonal extraction experiment of L9 (33) with water as extractant, and to study the process of microwave extraction of gardenia polysaccharide. Methods: The content of polysaccharides in the samples was determined by phenol - sulfuric acid method. Results: The optimum extraction conditions were as follows: 20 min; solid-liquid ratio: 1: 30; microwave frequency: 2 times, the polysaccharide content was 7.61%
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Open Access
Article ID: 329
by Xiumei Tang, Xiaojing Gu, Wen Ye
2018 , 1(1);    237 Views
Abstract   The mitotic index, micronucleus rate and chromosome aberration of Vicia faba root tip cells were determined by using micronucleus test and chromosome aberration test method of Vicia faba root tip cells with different concentrations of nitrobenzene as mutagens rate. The results showed that nitrobenzene could induce the higher frequency of micronucleus, and the micronucleus rate increased with the increase of nitrobenzene concentration at 4 and 24 h, but decreased after a certain concentration. Different concentrations of nitrobenzene at different treatment time to make Vicia faba root tip cells produce higher frequency chromosome aberration, and produce a variety of types of chromosomal aberrations. Therefore, nitrobenzene has obvious teratogenic effect on Vicia faba root tip cells.
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Open Access
Article ID: 331
by Lifang Duan, Huixian Chen, Jian Gao
2018 , 1(1);    306 Views
Abstract Cytoskeleton is a skeletal network structure that consists of protein and protein, including cytoplasmic skeleton and nucleus skeleton. The main role of the cytoskeleton system is to maintain a certain shape of the cells, so that cells can live and work. The cytoskeleton also acts as a communicating artery for intracellular transport of substances and organelles; the cytoskeleton also localizes the intracellular matrix; in addition, the cytoskeleton also has the function of helping the cells move. The cytoskeleton consists of a structural system called 'cytoskeletal system', with intracellular genetic systems, biofilm systems, and called 'intracellular three systems'. Initially, there is no visible structure in the cytoplasm, but many life phenomena, such as cell movement and cell shape maintenance, is difficult to be explained. In 1928, the original concept of cytoskeleton was proposed. In 1954, under electron microscopy for the first time to see the cells in the microtubules, but at this time, electron microscopy can only use osmium acid or potassium permanganate in low temperature conditions to fix, under such conditions often occur in the cytoskeleton Phenomenon, and thus be destroyed. In 1963, the use of glutaraldehyde fixed at room temperature, only widely observed the existence of species-like cytoskeleton, and officially named as an organelle. The role of cytoskeleton in cell life activity is omni-directional, and its research will give rise to a new understanding of the basic unit of cell life - the structure and function of cells.
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Open Access
Article ID: 334
by Jie Shen, Yusong Liu, Hui Zhang
2018 , 1(1);    185 Views
Abstract At present, tumors especially malignancies, have become one of the most serious diseases that threaten human health. The use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, biotherapy and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine is the most effective means of treating tumors. Among them, the application of new anti-tumor drugs, in improving the quality of life of cancer patients to extend the survival time, delay the development of the disease has played a huge role. In this paper, we reviewed the related research progress of tumor cells from the aspects of tumor features, related signal pathways, related genes, epigenetic modification, tumor stem cells and tumor microenvironment, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of tumor and cell apoptosis.
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