The Cytoskeleton of the System

Lifang Duan, Huixian Chen, Jian Gao

Article ID: 331
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018

VIEWS - 306 (Abstract) 385 (PDF)


Cytoskeleton is a skeletal network structure that consists of protein and protein, including cytoplasmic skeleton and nucleus skeleton. The main role of the cytoskeleton system is to maintain a certain shape of the cells, so that cells can live and work. The cytoskeleton also acts as a communicating artery for intracellular transport of substances and organelles; the cytoskeleton also localizes the intracellular matrix; in addition, the cytoskeleton also has the function of helping the cells move. The cytoskeleton consists of a structural system called 'cytoskeletal system', with intracellular genetic systems, biofilm systems, and called 'intracellular three systems'. Initially, there is no visible structure in the cytoplasm, but many life phenomena, such as cell movement and cell shape maintenance, is difficult to be explained. In 1928, the original concept of cytoskeleton was proposed. In 1954, under electron microscopy for the first time to see the cells in the microtubules, but at this time, electron microscopy can only use osmium acid or potassium permanganate in low temperature conditions to fix, under such conditions often occur in the cytoskeleton Phenomenon, and thus be destroyed. In 1963, the use of glutaraldehyde fixed at room temperature, only widely observed the existence of species-like cytoskeleton, and officially named as an organelle. The role of cytoskeleton in cell life activity is omni-directional, and its research will give rise to a new understanding of the basic unit of cell life - the structure and function of cells.

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