Study on the painting methods, amount and thermal properties of waterborne acrylic paint on bamboo-laminated lumber for furniture

Jie Chen, Shaofei Yuan, Jian Zhang, Hongyan Wang

Article ID: 8724
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


In order to understand the finishing effect of Waterborne Acrylic Paint under different painting methods and amount, bamboo-laminated lumber for furniture was coated with waterborne acrylic paint, then the effects of different painting methods and amount on the drying rate, smoothness, hardness, adhesion and wear resistance of the paint film were investigated. Further, the mechanism of film formation was described by thermal property analysis using thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimeter. The results show that different painting methods have little effect on film properties, the drying time of primer and topcoat are not affected by them, which is 8/8.5 min for primer surface/solid and 6.5/7 min for topcoats. The film surface hardness and adhesion can reach B and 0 grade, the best wear resistance of the film is 51.24 mg·100 r−1 when using one-layer primer one-layer topcoat. Different coating amount has great influence on film properties, the drying speed of the film increases with the increase of the painting amount. The film properties reach the best when the painting amount is 80 g/m2, while too little painting amount leads to the decrease of hardness, and too much leads to the wear resistance weaken. Thermal analysis of the primer and topcoat show that water decomposition occurs at 100 ℃ and thermal decomposition of organic components occur at 350 ℃. Topcoats have better thermal stability than primers higher than that of topcoat, the topcoat displayed better thermal stability than the primer.


waterborne acrylic paint; painting method; painting amount; film properties bamboo-laminated lumber

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