Unnotched impact toughness of polybutylene terephthalate/polyamide 6/carbon black blends

Quoc Bao Ngo, Phan Hieu Hua, Thi Hong Nga Pham, Minh Trong Tin Vo, Thanh Tan Nguyen, Quan Anh Pham, Van Huong Hoang, The San Tran, Sy Hung Ho, Khac Nhan Nguyen

Article ID: 5091
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


The combination of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and polyamide 6 (PA6) plastic mixture was taken from waste from the table production process along with carbon black (CB) reinforcement with the desire to create a potential plastic mixture widely used in many fields. The PBT/PA6/CB mix is created by injection molding with a CB weight ratio of 0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%. This study has shown the change in plastic’s mechanical properties when adding CB to the mixture by testing the unnotched impact toughness according to ASTM D256 standards. Research results show that the unnotched impact toughness was gradually reduced when increasing the CB content in the mixture from 0% to 12% CB. Specifically, at 0% CB, the resulting unnotched impact toughness was 12.85 kJ/m2, reduced to 4.78 kJ/m2.


PBT; PA6; carbon black; PBT/PA6 blend; unnotched impact toughness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jpse.v7i1.5091


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