The Influence Mechanism of Job Insecurity on Employees’ Turnover Intention in Education and Training Institutions under the Double Reduction Policy-Taking Chengdu as an Example

Jingyao Wang, Rapassa Roung-onnam

Article ID: 5061
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2024


Although the introduction of the double reduction policy can improve the educational environment and reduce the burden on students, it has dealt a great blow to educational and training institutions and employees working in educational institutions, forcing employees
to leave voluntarily or forcibly. Therefore, this paper discusses this issue from the perspective of education and training workers. Taking the
employees of education and training institutions in Chengdu as the research object, from the perspective of the audience, with employee insecurity as the independent variable, turnover intention as the dependent variable and emotional exhaustion as the intermediary variable, this
paper tries to understand the relationship between employee insecurity and turnover intention in education and training institutions through
content analysis and questionnaire survey, so as to understand employee turnover behavior.


Education And Training Institutions; Job Insecurity; Turnover Tendency; Double Reduction Policy

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