Reconstructing Female Identity and Liberation: An Existentialist Feminist Analysis of the Contemporary Film “Sister”

Ge Xiao, Xiuhui Li

Article ID: 5040
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2024

VIEWS - 62 (Abstract) 61 (PDF)


The contemporary Chinese feminist film “Sister” vividly reflects the current state of women’s existence, revealing the plight of
“the Other” in a patriarchal society, both within the family and society, promoting the awakening of women in real life. This paper, from the
perspective of Simone de Beauvoir’s existentialist feminism, proposes an existential feminist analysis of women’s existence in a patriarchal


Patriarchy; Existentialist Feminism; The Other

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2. [2] Scholz, S. Beauvoir. Trans. Gong Xiaojing. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2014:118.

3. [3] Lin, S. Feminist Literary Criticism in a Multidimensional Perspective. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2004:336.



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