From the Perspective of Rural Revitalization,the Existing Building Reconstruction Ideas of Rural Regional Culture are Applied---- take The Former Site of Liangxi Primary School in Wangcun as an Example

Yitong Wang

Article ID: 4740
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024

VIEWS - 88 (Abstract) 54 (PDF)


Socialist rural revitalization road regional culture is the most attractive and the most summary characteristics, in the modernization
construction, is also the soul of regional development. However, at present, the performance and prominence of local regional culture are
often ignored in the beautification and transformation of new rural areas, which leads to the weak integration of the existing rural buildings,
the natural landscape and local life, and the lack of regional characteristics. At present, experts, scholars and architectural planning designers
all realize that the construction of beautiful countryside needs to fully reflect the local cultural elements according to the local cultural background, and the application of regional culture is very wide, which reflects the local humanistic spirit, cultural characteristics and social customs in the design. However, it still needs to strengthen the innovation of expression and the in-depth research on the connotation of regional
culture and spirit. This paper discusses how to apply regional culture to the reconstruction of existing buildings under the perspective of rural


Rural revitalization; Regional culture; Reconstruction of existing buildings; Socialism with Chinese characteristics

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