Four-Corner Model: A New Application of The Interpretive Theory in English-Chinese Written Translation

Wenyang Pang

Article ID: 4729
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


Slow translation speed and the difficulty of translating long and complex sentences are the problems that translators often face in
the practice of English-Chinese written translation. By analyzing the process of rapid interpretation by interpreters, which is often considered
to be guided by the Interpretive Theory, this article attempts to obtain suitable methods from the interpreting process to improve the speed
and quality of written translation. This paper constructs a “four-corner model” for English-Chinese written translation after the discussion of
the Interpretive Theory, especially its “triangular model of interpretation”. Through some training, the “four-corner model” can effectively
improve the speed and quality of English-Chinese written translation.


The Interpretive Theory; Interpretation; Triangular model of interpretation; Written translation; A “four-corner model” for transla_x005ftion

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