Reflection on the Integration of Red Culture Resources into Ideological and Political Education for College Students - Tak_x005fing Changsha Normal University as an Example

Zhixuan Zhan

Article ID: 4050
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023

VIEWS - 77 (Abstract) 37 (PDF)


Red cultural resources are an important component. Making good use of red resources is conducive to strengthening the effective_x005fness of ideological and political education and promoting the achievement of ideological and political education goals. Changsha Normal
University has abundant red cultural resources. In the work of ideological and political education for college students, we should make good
use of red resources, do a good job in red resource articles, and make them an important engine and source of strength to promote ideological
and political education for college students.


Red Cultural Resources; Ideological And Political Education; Ponder Over

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