Protection and Reuse of Traditional Village Architecture from the Perspective of Active Inheritance

Hui Liu

Article ID: 4044
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023

VIEWS - 112 (Abstract) 49 (PDF)


With the continuous growth of China’s social economy, people’s demand for spiritual life is increasing. Most of China’s land is
used to develop real estate and tourist attractions, which involves the protection of some traditional village buildings. Due to the influence
of historical development and legacy factors, the protection and reuse of traditional village buildings are difficult to carry out. In the context
of rural revitalization, traditional villages are no longer able to meet the current needs of social development. How to transform them into a
common concern for rural workers and members of the countryside. Based on this, this article mainly explores the protection and reuse of
traditional village architecture, focusing on analyzing the combination methods of active utilization and protection of tradition from the per_x005fspective of active inheritance, as well as the principles of reuse of traditional village architecture.


Active Inheritance; Traditional Village Architecture; Protection; Reuse

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