Cosmic Ethics in Science Fiction

Wei Wei

Article ID: 4039
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023


For many posthumanist theorists, science fiction literature is an excellent way for us to get closer to posthuman thinking. Science
fiction literature always predicts the future while metaphorizing the present, which provides all kinds of imaginary possibilities for the future
of human civilization in advance, and always reminds the boundaries of real human intelligence. Dako Suenwen’s definition of science fiction
literature has been widely recognized by scholars, “Science fiction as a literary genre, its sufficient necessary condition is the presence and
interaction of dissociation and cognition.”. That is, science fiction works are closely related to science and technology, adhering to the spirit
of science, emphasizing a separation of scientific epistemological attitudes. It is precisely this combination of cognition and dissociation, con_x005fcerned with the characteristics of the present and the future, that science fiction literature has become an excellent way for us to think about
cosmic ethics in the posthuman era.


Science Fiction Literature; Cosmic Ethics; Philosophy of Science and Technology

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