Policy-Making Report: New Policies on Releasing the “Double Reduction” Impact from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory and Policy Network
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023
Reducing the Homework and Off-campus Training Burden of Compulsory Education Students in in July 2021. The opinions makes it clear
the hours of after-school service, and allow schools to coordinate teachers in the implementation of “ working hours” in a flexible manner.
Schools are thus required to make improvement in the after-class service quality, organize interest-cultivation groups and various club ac_x005ftivities. However, this regulation change seem to create burden for several different interest groups in China.This study will concentrate on
analyzing the underlying causes and contradictions in the process of policy implementation by combining the policy network theory and the
relevant stakeholder analysis tools, and look for the optimization strategies meeting the interests and needs parties. Hence, it will certainly
facilitate the implementation of after-school services in an all-around manner under the background of “double reduction” policy.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v6i6.4036
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