From Aristotle’s Poetics to See “Thunderstorm” the Use of “Discovery”

Xiang Zhang, Jianyu Xiao

Article ID: 4033
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023


Chinese drama is an “imported product”. Its introduction is closely related to the impact of foreign culture. Western drama theory
gave a lot of reference to Chinese drama creation at that time. The drama Thunderstorm not only integrates the Chinese traditional culture,
but also absorbs the influence of foreign culture. “discovery” and “sudden transformation” in the ancient Greek ideological work “Potics”
have been fully used in the drama Thunderstorm, among which “discovery” is an indispensable link in the narrative promotion of the whole
drama. The application of “Thunderstorm” can be divided into “small discovery” that is, “discovery” that does not involve the overall situa_x005ftion, more arranged in the stage of the plot development and the beginning; “great discovery” is the discovery of the sudden effect of the plot,
more arrangement and climax stage; and “multiple discovery” is “discovery” for multiple times, the use of “discovery” is also one of the key
factors for the success of the drama “Thunderstorm”.


Discovery; Narrative; Reference

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