Xunyou and Shanggu: Buju Writing in Tang and Song Poetry

Xiaoxu Liu

Article ID: 4012
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023

VIEWS - 120 (Abstract) 107 (PDF)


Buju is a common theme type in Tang and Song poetry, and the depiction of Buju in the early Tang poetry inherits the tradition of
Buju in the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties, with “seeking seclusion” as its main feature. Du Fu’s divination writing runs through most of his
life, greatly enriching the divination writing of medieval poetry and songs. The surrounding environment and neighbors of the residence, the
imagination of the ideal residence, the deep affection for the residence, and the transcendence of the traditional writing of the previous abode
are all presented in various colors in Du Fu’s works, which also influenced the related writing of Song poetry.


Tang Poetry; Song Poetry; Buju Writing; Du Fu; Su Shi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v6i6.4012


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