Study on the Current Supply and Demand of Public Sports Services in New Urban Areas under the Perspective of Demographic Dividend ——Taking Linyi Beicheng New District for Example
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023
the age structure of the city’s population is mainly young, with a large proportion of young and middle-aged population, how to develop this
majority of young and middle-aged population into a sports population, and how to provide a better public sports service system for the city’s
sports population to give full play to the sports dividend of the population is of great significance to both the city’s economic construction
and the This is of great significance for the economic construction of the city and the improvement of urbanization level. On this basis, this
paper aims at the new development pole of Linyi city - Beicheng New District as the research object, and conducts a relevant research on the
current situation and countermeasures of public sports services, with a view to providing a reference for the development of Beicheng New
District and even other new districts.
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