Analysis of Research Progress in Athletic Training in China in the Past 20 years

Yupeng Wei

Article ID: 3743
Vol 6, Issue 5, 2023


This paper analyzes the current situation of China's athletic training research in the 20 years since entering the new century from various angles, mainly including the continuous improvement of the item group training theory, the re-examination of the time factor of athletic training, and paying more attention to the combination of competition and education, etc. At the same time, China's athletic training has been analyzed in the development of the new century, which mainly includes the all-round intervention of modern science and technology, the expansion of the theory of athletic training to the theory of competition, the deeper development of the research of athletic training theory, and the humanistic factors will be more important. At the same time, it analyzes the development of athletic training in China in the new century, including the all-round intervention of modern science and technology, the expansion of athletic training theory to competitive sports theory, the deeper development of athletic training theory, and the more emphasis on humanistic factors.


Last 20 years; Athletic Training Science; Progress

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