A Practical Exploration of the Facilitation Path for Advanced English Classroom Output Tasks under the Guidance of POA

Rui Yao

Article ID: 3212
Vol 6, Issue 4, 2023

VIEWS - 517 (Abstract) 60 (PDF)


The theoretical framework of Production Oriented Approach (POA) proposed by Professor Wen Qiufang has undergone a series of development and improvement, forming a "drive facilitate evaluate" teaching framework system that is guided by output tasks, supported by facilitation activities, led by teachers, and jointly constructed by teachers and students. The "facilitation" link is the core of helping learners achieve goals and achieve output tasks. Based on the ideas and requirements of this theory, the author has designed a series of "facilitation" activities to be applied in advanced English reading classrooms. This article intends to review and reflect on these teaching practice activities, in order to gain a deeper understanding of POA theory.


POA Theory; Facilitate Event Design; Advanced English; Teaching Reflection

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v6i4.3212


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