Exploration of the Teaching Mode of Science Curriculum Theory Based on Project-Based Learning

Yan Gao

Article ID: 3118
Vol 6, Issue 4, 2023

VIEWS - 658 (Abstract) 48 (PDF)


This study explores project-based learning in science teaching models. Firstly, the theoretical basis of project-based learning is analyzed, the existing science teaching mode is evaluated, and the construction and implementation strategy of the science teaching mode based on project-based learning is proposed. Then, through empirical research, this study found that this model can effectively improve students' academic performance, enhance students' interest in learning, and improve students' hands-on ability. However, the implementation of this model requires teachers to have a high level of professionalism and adequate teaching resources. Finally, this study concludes that the project-based learning science teaching model is a potential teaching model that deserves further exploration and practice.


Project-Based Learning; Science Teaching; Curriculum Model; Practical Learning; Teaching Innovation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v6i4.3118


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