The Implementation Strategy of Children's Health Education in Life and Game

Yujuan Zhang

Article ID: 2476
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 763 (Abstract) 84 (PDF)


In the process of the kindergarten project implementation research, we have been thinking: how to combine the early childhood health education with the curriculum gamification concept? How to come from the activities of children's life materials, problems, situations, to close to the way of children's life permeated in children's daily life? How to integrate the GOALS, contents and requirements of health education into the game, attract children's participation, and make children become the subject of learning and development? ... The puzzles are pushing us to project implementation ways and strategies of thinking, to help children improve the level of awareness of health, to improve the attitude to personal hygiene and public health, the good habits of life and health, learning, health habit and the habit of physical exercise, cultivate children's health, happy, confident, studious, good quality.


Children; Health Education; Life; Gaming

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