Discussion on Interactive Strategies in Children's Scientific Inquiry Activities

Haihong Yang

Article ID: 2474
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 725 (Abstract) 74 (PDF)


Scientific inquiry activities are the process of children finding, analyzing and solving problems. Children's real inquiry begins with the search for answers to questions, which is actually the process of seeking answers to the questions they are interested in with direct perception, personal experience and practical operation. At the same time, in the process of children's SI, teachers should effectively use the interactive strategies of grasping the generation of questions, using questions to promote inquiry and using questions to revitalize inquiry, so as to support and promote children's in-depth learning and inquiry.


Scientific Inquiry; Question; The Interactive Strategy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v6i2.2474


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