Super-resolution by converting evanescent waves in microsphere to propagating waves and light transmitted from its surface to nano-jet
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024
The electro-magnetic (EM) waves transmitted through a thin object with fine structures are observed by a microsphere located above the thin object. The EM radiation transmitted through the object produces both evanescent waves, which include information on the fine structures of the object (smaller than a wavelength), and propagating waves, which include the large image of the object (with dimensions larger than a wavelength). The super-resolutions are calculated by using the Helmholtz equation. According to this equation, evanescent waves have an imaginary component of the wavevector in the z direction, leading the components of the wavevector in the transversal directions to become very large so that the fine structures of the object can be observed. Due to the decay of the evanescent waves, only a small region near the contact point between the thin object and the microsphere is effective for producing the super resolution effects. The image with super-resolution can be increased by a movement of the microsphere over the object or by using arrays of microspheres. Both propagating and evanescent waves arrive at the inner surface of the microsphere. A coupling between the transmitted EM waves and resonances produced in the dielectric sphere, possibly obtained by the Mie method, leads to a product of the EM distribution function with the transfer function. While this transfer function might be calculated by the Mie method, it is also possible to use it as an experimental function. By Fourier transform of the above product, we get convolution between the EM spatial modes and those of the transfer function arriving at the nano-jet, which leads the evanescent waves to become propagating waves with effective very small wavelengths and thus increase the resolution.
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