Improved mathematical model of polluted insulators nonlinear behaviour under ac voltage based on experimental tests
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2019
In this paper, an improved mathematical model for flashover behavior of polluted insulators is proposed based on experimental tests. In order to determine the flashover model of polluted insulators, the relationship between conductivity and salinity of solution pollution layer of the insulator is measured. Then, the leakage of current amplitude of four common insulators versus axial, thermal conductivity and arc constants temperature was determined. The experimental tests show that top leakage distance (TLd) to bottom leakage distance (BLd) ratio of insulators has a significant effect on critical voltage and current. Therefore, critical voltage and current were modeled by TLd to BLd ratio Index (M). Also, salinity of solution pollution layer of the insulators has been applied to this model by resistance pollution parameter. On the other hand, arc constants of each insulator in new model have been identified based on experimental results. Finally, a mathematical model is intended for critical voltage against salinity of solution pollution layer of different insulators. This model depends on insulator profile. There is a good agreement between the experimental tests of pollution insulators obtained in the laboratory and values calculated from the mathematical models developed in the present study.
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