Nanorobots in drug delivery systems and treatment of cancer
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024
Cancer is the 3rd leading cause of death globally, and the countries with low-to-middle income account for most cancer cases. The current diagnostic tools, including imaging, molecular detection, and immune histochemistry (IHC), have intrinsic limitations, such as poor accuracy. However, researchers have been working to improve anti-cancer treatment using different drug delivery systems (DDS) to target tumor cells more precisely. Current advances, however, are enough to meet the growing call for more efficient drug delivery systems, but the adverse effects of these systems are a major problem. Nanorobots are typically controlled devices made up of nanometric component assemblies that can interact with and even diffuse the cellular membrane due to their small size, offering a direct channel to the cellular level. The nanorobots improve treatment efficiency by performing advanced biomedical therapies using minimally invasive operations. Chemotherapy’s harsh side effects and untargeted drug distribution necessitate new cancer treatment trials. The nanorobots are currently designed to recognize 12 different types of cancer cells. Nanorobots are an emerging field of nanotechnology with nanoscale dimensions and are predictable to work at an atomic, molecular, and cellular level. Nanorobots to date are under the line of investigation, but some primary molecular models of these medically programmable machines have been tested. This review on nanorobots presents the various aspects allied, i.e., introduction, history, ideal characteristics, approaches in nanorobots, basis for the development, tool kit recognition and retrieval from the body, and application considering diagnosis and treatment.
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