Biofertilization and nanotechnology in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) as alternatives for a sustainable crop
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022
Alfalfa is considered the most used forage crop in the world, its main use is for cattle feeding, due to its high nutritional value, specifically in protein and digestible fiber. Currently, the trend in agriculture is to reduce the application of chemicals and among them are fertilizers that pollute soil and water, so the adoption of new technologies and other not so new is becoming a good habit among farmers. Nanotechnology in the plant system allows the development of new fertilizers to improve agricultural productivity and the release of mineral nutrients in nanoforms, which has a wide variety of benefits, including the timing and direct release of nutrients, as well as synchronizing or specifying the environmental response. Biofertilizers are important components of integrated nutrient management and play a key role in soil productivity and sustainability. While protecting the environment, they are a cost-effective, environmentally friendly and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement chemical fertilizers in the sustainable agricultural system. Nanotechnology and biofertilization allow in a practical way the reduction in the application of chemicals, contributing to the sustainability of agriculture, so this work aims to review the relevant results on biofertilization, the use of nanotechnology and the evaluation of the nutritional composition of alfalfa when grown with the application of biofertilizers.
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