Effect of an oscillating magnetic field in polymeric columns with magnetic nanoparticles

Violeta Maricela Dalgo Flores, Gabriela Cristina Chango Lescano, John Germán Vera Luzuriaga

Article ID: 1684
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022

VIEWS - 476 (Abstract) 330 (PDF)


Magnetite magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) exhibit superparamagnetic behavior, which gives them important properties such as low coercive field, easy superficial modification and acceptable magnetization levels. This makes them useful in separation techniques. However, few studies have experimented with the interactions of MNP with magnetic fields. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the influence of an oscillating magnetic field (OMF) on polymeric monolithic columns with vinylated magnetic nanoparticles (VMNP) for capillary liquid chromatography (cLC). For this purpose, MNP were synthesized by coprecipitation of iron salts. The preparation of polymeric monolithic columns was performed by copolymerization and aggregation of VMNP. Taking advantage of the magnetic properties of MNP, the influence of parameters such as resonance frequency, intensity and exposure time of a OMF applied to the synthesized columns was studied. As a result, a better separation of a sample according to the measured parameters was obtained, so that a column resolution (Rs) of 1.35 was achieved. The morphological properties of the columns were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of the chromatographic properties revealed that the best separation of the alkylbenzenes sample occurs under conditions of 5.5 kHz and 10 min of exposure in the OMF. This study constitutes a first application in chromatographic separation techniques for future research in nanotechnology.


Capillary Liquid Chromatography; Oscillation Frequency; Nanoparticles; Superparamagnetic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/can.v5i2.1684


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