Kinetics of dechlorination of atrazine using tin (SnII) at neutral pH conditions

Vijay Kumar, Simranjeet Singh

Article ID: 575
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020


Atrazine is a broad spectrum herbicide of triazine family. It is a chlorine-containing molecule and it can persist in environment. Chemical and biochemical techniques are the main techniques used to decompose the chemicals. In pre-sent study, the dechlorination of atrazine (Atr) via reaction with Sn(II) ion under aqueous media at neutral pH condi-tions was studied. The observed dechlorinated metabolite was 4-Ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-[1,3,5]triazin-2-ol. Identification of dechlorinated product of Atr was performed by using spectroscopic (FTIR) and mass (ESI-MS) spectrometric analysis. The kinetics of the dechlorination of Atr was measured by using pseudo-first order kinetics. The observed reaction constants was, kobs = 6.11x10-2 (at 430 mg/ L of Atr), and kobs = 6.14 x10-2 (at 215 mg/ L of Atr). The calculated half-life (t1/2) period was, t1/2 = 0.204 d (at 430 mg/ L of Atr), and t1/2 = 0.205 d (at 215 mg/ L of Atr).


Atrazine; Dechlorination; Decomposition; IR Analysis; Mass Analysis

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