A review on indoor air pollution from lightning sources in developing countries—The pollutants, the prevention and the latest technologies for control

Francis Boluwaji Elehinafe, Feyisayo David Ibukun, Oluseye Ladipo Lasebikan, Hassan Ademola Adisa

Article ID: 2156
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023


Currently, developing nations around the world rely heavily on the use of biomass and fossil fuels for cooking, lighting, and warmth due to a lack of access to clean fuels and constant electricity supply. Unfortunately, the use of these materials has the side effect of emitting of harmful pollutants into the air. Constant exposure to some of these emissions has led to the death of millions of people around the world, with women and children disproportionately affected due to greater amounts of time spent indoors. The work focused on indoor air pollution from lightning sources in developing countries and the negative impacts of cases of ill-health and mortality. The techniques adopted for the research comprised extensive and intensive review of literature on lightning sources. Resources used encompassed internet materials, current reports and recent publications by researchers of note. The findings show that there are associated pollutants, the prevention and the latest technologies for control the pollutants. It was concluded that the dearth of research in lighting sources as sources of indoor air pollution is needed to be addressed by researchers. Also, policy implications to improve electricity deficits should be embarked upon by governments to discourage the use of fossils and biomass for lighting indoors.


pollution; air pollution; indoor environment; indoor air pollutants; prevention; control

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ace.v6i2.2156


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