Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics

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Spatial statistics and econometrics underpin applications in all fields of investigation including economics, geology, ecology, medical imaging, engineering, epidemiology, environment, etc. Spatial statistics and econometrics are branches of study that focus on the analysis of spatial data.
Spatial statistics focuses on understanding the patterns and relationships within spatially distributed data.
Spatial econometrics combines economic theory with spatial statistics to study how economic processes vary across space. It explores how factors-arguments and spatial interactions affect the outcome factor, the correlation between exogenous and endogenous factors. It includes techniques for exploring, constraining models, interpreting spatial patterns, estimating the adequacy of models, and spatial interpolation. Econometrics investigates the theoretical and practical problems of spatial regression analysis, linear and non-linear econometric models, correlation, casual relationships, statistical hypothesis testing, multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation.