Building household resilience: The effect of livelihood capital during and after pandemic COVID-19 in Bekasi Regency
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly restricted household resilience, particularly in developing countries. The study investigates the correlation between livelihood capital and household resilience amid uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically in Bekasi Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Livelihood capital encompasses social, human, natural, physical, and financial, which are crucial in shaping household resilience. This study used the SEM-PLS method and utilized a survey of 120 respondents (household heads) from four villages in two districts (Muaragembong and South Tambun) in Bekasi Regency to identify critical factors that either enhance or impede rural household resilience during and after the pandemic. Findings reveal that households possessing human capital, financial capital, and empowerment are more adept at navigating socioeconomic difficulties during and after the pandemic. However, this research stated that trust and social networks enhance household resilience during the pandemic, whereas social norms are crucial for rebuilding household resilience in the post-pandemic phase. The finding revealed that social cohesion adversely affected household resilience during and after the pandemic, while trust diminished household resilience in the post-pandemic COVID-19 phase. These findings offer insight to policymakers, scholars, and other stakeholders aiming to foster household resilience during and in recovery efforts after the pandemic.
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